du hoc 
This is our wiki for Podcamp Harrisburg. I've never created a link building wiki before or planned a podcamp, but I suppose this is a good place to start. Those of you with planning/wiki experience can make this not suck. That's the beauty of a wiki, I suppose.
Here is the wiki for Podcamps in general. GREAT RESOURCE! (Thanks @rorowe) http://podcamp.pbwiki.com/
du hoc australia, giao luu van hoa my, du hoc anh, hoc bong du hoc
dich vu bao ve , công ty bao ve , bao ve , đại lý thuế
NEWS: POSSIBLE VENUE OBTAINED! Please check the Venue and Meetings pages. Thanks! @bpolensky
To Do:
Pick Date
Find location
Funding stuff
Internet stuff
set up podcampharrisburg.com
we have the domain and the hosting, thanks to Lorenz Technologies
create twitter account (use group tweet?) : @PCHBG, dm to @PCHBG to post to everyone.
FInd/Solicit Vendors
Possible Dates:
Farm Show weekend: January 10th or 11th
Pros: We can go eat at the Farm Show (I'm not kidding)
Cons: Crazy traffic, possible/probable snow (bloggers don't like to get cold), all hotels will be booked or unusually expensive which will reduce the number of people who would travel here to attend.
MLK Day weekend: January 17th-19th
I'd suggest Saturday the 17th... Saturdays are generally convenient (selfish reason: the 19th is the day before Inauguration and Kathleen is planning to be in DC for that)
Any weekend in May (we may need much more time than January to plan this. It has to be heavily promoted being the first year in the city)
EXCEPT Memorial Day weekend (@Dani_PA)
Possible Venues: (continue discussion on Venue page)
Harrisburg University
Josh Karns has a connection to gt us talking to the right people here.
Pros: Brand new building to be open in January, technology-focused university, potential for student involvement as volunteers, centrally located - walking distance from train and bus transportation
Could set up a token attendance fee and donate proceeds to Harrisburg Univ. - they did this at Podcamp Philly (@Dani_PA)
HACC Midtown ?
Midtown Arts Center (not sure of it will be ready, but might be a good one to look at)
Whitaker Center
Abbey Bar - if small enough group price of silver
Any place that is a central location to bars/hotels/social scene and can provide amenities like wifi. I have an in with a school district so maybe they can help. (@bpolensky)
New Cumberland Holiday Inn - May be pricey but 2 bars and a few hotels right there plus is really easy to find being right off 83
Important Stuff:
I pulled this from the above-mentioned podcamp wiki.
There are 6 rules which govern what may or may not be called a PodCamp. If your planned event meets all 6 and accepts the terms in the PodCamp Foundation License, you can call it a PodCamp.
All attendees must be treated equally. Everyone is a rockstar.
All content created must be released under a Creative Commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
All attendees must be allowed to participate. (subject to limitations of physical space, of course)
All sessions must obey the Law of 2 Feet - if you're not getting what you want out of the session, you can and should walk out and do something else. It's not like you have to get your money's worth!
The event must be new-media focused - blogging, podcasting, video on the net.
The financials of a PodCamp must be fully disclosed in an open ledger, except for any donor/sponsor who wishes to remain anonymous.
Additionally, sessions and events are strongly encouraged to be free to attend to allow as many people to attend as possible.
Beginning with PodCamp SA, if you can make a PodCamp carbon-neutral, please by all means do so!
Lorenz Technologies (www.lorenztech.com)
-Donated the domain registry and webhosting
Question: Who/what would we look for in sponsors? Do we have a monetary goal?
Thoughts: I think we could start creating a goal, also since all podcamps quick personal loans have to be financially open we can take a look at their expenses, especially for the first year in each city. -KLD
For more on the issue of budget and Newssponsorships, please see the Finance page and continue the conversation there.
People interested in attending:
Kathleen Danielson (@KathleenLD)
Robert Rowe (@rorowe)
Rich Hauck (@mandalatv)
David Fisher (@tibbon) from Boston
Justin Kownacki (@JustinKownacki) from Pittsburgh
Ken Mueller (@kmueller62)
Josh Karns (@yoshua)
Sara Bozich (@sarabozich)
Rob Blatt (@robblatt) from Brooklyn
Janet Pickel (@jlsp30) Comunicação Visual
Matt Shandera (@mattshandera)
Daniel Klotz (@danielklotz)
Aaron Aiken (@aaiken721)
Ben Graver (@bengraver)
Andrew Lorenz (@alorenz)
Brian Polensky (@bpolensky or http://www.brianpolensky.com)
Bill Bostic (@billbostic, or bbostic1@gmail.com)du hoc
Michael Sorg (@sorgatron or http://www.sorgatron.com) from Pittsburgh
Walt Ribeiro (@WaltRibeiro) from Philadelphia
Adam Chlan (@AdamChlan)
Anne Kirby (@annekirby http://www.thechl.org)
Danielle Kozich (@Dani_PA)
Mandy Fleisher (@MandyFleisher)
Heather Myers (@privatestorm)
Shawn Farner (@shawnfarner)
Ryan Duff (@ryancduff)
Courtney Engle (@CourtneyEngle) or http://CourtneyEngle.net
Chuck LaPenta (@chucklapenta)
Drew Griffin (@drewmgriffin) or http://www.drewgriffin.net
Answer Blip Team @answerblip - Answer Blip Trivia
Will SEO Chicago
Ashely: http://www.lessonplancloud.com
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